Glasgow Cathedral
Glasgow Cathedral is one of Scotland’s underrated architectural treasures and Glasgow Cathedral is said to be the oldest building in Glasgow.
The Cathedral is medieval and has an active Christian congregation in the Church of Scotland.
The first stone built Glasgow Cathedral was dedicated in the presence of King David I in 1136.
The present building was consecrated in 1197. Glasgow Cathedral is the best preserved example of a large church to have survived from the medieval period in Scotland.
Glasgow Cathedral is the best preserved example of a large church to have survived the Reformation, and has one of the finest post-war collections of stained-glass windows to be found in Britain.
The Society of Friends of Glasgow Cathedral was founded by the late Very Revd Nevile Davidson, D.D. in 1936.
During the year the Society of Friends promotes Summer Music Recitals, a Winter Lecture Series and other special events.
Sunday morning services are held in the Cathedral at 11.00am.
Sunday evening services are held in the Cathedral at 6.30pm.
Well worth a visit.
Glasgow Cathedral
50 Cathedral Sq
Glasgow, G4 0UZ
0141 552 3145
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